AGLC inspectors conducted 5,282 gaming inspections. Inspectors check licensees for compliance in a number of areas including, but not limited to: security and surveillance requirements are met and ensuring games are run properly.
99.75 per cent of gaming licensees complied with legislation, regulation and policy.
Training for gaming staff As of March 31, 2024, Deal Us In, Reel Facts and A Good Call educate venue staff to recognize and respond to problem gambling behaviour. Certification is mandatory for registered gaming workers and staff who have contact with patrons. Visit and select SMART Programs for details.
Deal Us In—37,467 certificates issued since the program began in 2008.
Reel Facts—63,464 certificates issued since the program began in 2007.
A Good Call—5,802 certificates issued since the program began in 2008.
Every year, AGLC also provides Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Training to more than 2,000 casino staff. For more information, visit and select AML under Other Training Programs.
Gaming venues
5 racing entertainment centres (RECs)—1,511 slot terminals in RECs
777 VLT locations accessible in a variety of licensed venues across the province
6 Host First Nation casino facilities—3,420 slot terminals in Host First Nation casinos
19 charitable casino facilities—9,728 slot terminals in charitable casinos
AGLC inspectors conducted 20,455 inspections at liquor licensed premises, 6,824 licensees were inspected and 60 licensees were issued 68 penalties. Inspectors check licensees for compliance in a number of areas including, but not limited to: patron proof of age, selling to minors, serving to intoxicated patrons and serving after hours.
99.12 per cent of liquor licensees complied with legislation, regulation and policy.
ProServe Liquor Staff Training—692,199 certificates issued since program began in 2004
ProTect Security Staff Training—73,185 certificates issued since program began in 2008
As part of the licensing process, inspections are completed at potential retail locations to ensure they meet all legislated physical and security requirements. Inspectors check licensees for compliance in a number of areas including, but not limited to: selling to minors and service to intoxicated patrons. AGLC inspectors conducted 3,442 inspections between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. There were 14 penalties issued to 14 licensees during this timeframe. For information on Board hearings, visit
98.39 per cent of cannabis licensees complied with legislation, regulation and policy.
SellSafe Cannabis Staff Training—44,672 SellSafe certificates have been issued since the program’s launch on May 1, 2018. Visit and select SMART Programs for details.
Qualified Cannabis Workers—20,233 Visit to learn more about the requirements to work in Alberta’s cannabis industry.
Licensed producers
135 federally licensed producers are supplying Alberta’s non-medical cannabis market, and 36 are Alberta-based. Visit for a complete listing.
Cannabis financial results for 2023-24 (in thousands of dollars)
Revenue to GoA—$10,824 Total sales—$673,528 or 172,654 kg