Pull ticket

Steps in this section
  1. Eligibility
  2. Apply for a Pull-Ticket Licence
  1. Eligibility

    Application process

    Find out:

    • if your group is eligible to apply for pull ticket licensing
    • how to apply for eligibility for pull ticket licensing
    • what happens after you submit an application
    • how long it takes

    Who can apply?

    Charitable groups can apply if their structure and programs follow AGLC policy.

    Things to know before you apply

    An eligible charitable or religious organization must:

    • have volunteers from Alberta who create, control and deliver a charitable program
    • have an elected executive chosen from the volunteer members
    • have no paid members
    • have charitable programs that are available to all members of the public who wish to take part
    • be incorporated in a form acceptable to AGLC
    • have bylaws that follow AGLC policy

    These four criteria determine charitable purpose:

    1. relief of poverty
    2. advancement of education
    3. advancement of religion
    4. other purposes beneficial to the community

    For more information on eligibility refer to the Charitable Gaming Policies Handbook.


    If your group has not had a licence before, you must complete this application:

    Documents you will need (this checklist is on the application form to guide you):

    • copy of meeting minutes authorizing the application
    • copy of Incorporation Certificate
    • copy of group's operating bylaws
    • current List of Elected Executive, including addresses and telephone numbers
    • current membership list, including addresses and telephone numbers
    • copy of the last year of financial statements
    • budget for the current year or proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year
    • land title certificate or lease/rental agreement, if you own or rent a facility for your programs


    There is no cost to submit an eligibility application.

    How long does it take after you apply?

    A complete application will take approximately six weeks to review. If there is any missing information, we will contact you by letter, email or phone call.

    The decision

    AGLC will provide the eligibility decision to you in writing.


    Call AGLC to speak to an Eligibility Analyst:

    • 780-447-8600 or toll-free at 1-800-272-8876


    The Charitable Gaming Policies Handbook has more information on:

    • legislation and policies
    • general eligibility
    • types of groups that may be eligible
    • using gaming proceeds
  2. Apply for a Pull-Ticket Licence

    What is a pull ticket?

    A pull ticket is a type of instant-win ticket with sealed windows or tabs. When opened, symbols, letters or numbers may match to win a prize.

    Before you start

    An eligible group that wants to sell pull tickets must follow:

    Pull ticket application

    A group must complete this application at least four weeks before the first sales event:

    Pull ticket sales

    A pull ticket licence covers a series of dates. The term of a licence is usually 24 months.

    Pull ticket sales usually occur:

    • within a bingo facility
    • in an area within a facility where the licensed group delivers its programs
    • at a sports, arts or cultural event

    Groups that sell pull tickets in a bingo association must use these control forms:

    Groups that sell pull tickets outside a bingo association must use these control forms:

    Licence fees

    Licence fees are $5 per unit. The group pays licence fees to a registered supplier when the group purchases the units. The supplier gives the fees to AGLC.

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