AGLC is responsible for regulating private retail cannabis licensing and the distribution of cannabis on behalf of the Alberta government.
AGLC also collects a six per cent markup on all cannabis products on behalf of the Alberta government. The net markup goes to the government’s General Revenue Fund to support programs and initiatives that benefit all Albertans.
Even with the markup, Alberta has some of the lowest wholesale cannabis prices in Canada. Most provinces with a private retail model charge a wholesale markup of nine to 34 per cent, plus an additional sales tax.
AGLC is committed to:
keeping cannabis out of the hands of children and youth
protecting public health
promoting safety on roads, in workplaces and in public spaces
limiting the illegal cannabis market
continuing to offer choices Albertans can trust
In alignment with the Cannabis Framework’s policy priorities, AGLC will:
Provide clear oversight over the distribution of packages and sealed cannabis products, ensuring only legally produced products come into Alberta.
Ensure cannabis is distributed to specialized retail outlets, which won’t be allowed to sell alcohol, tobacco or pharmaceuticals.
Work with producers and retailers to provide Albertans with access to federally regulated cannabis products.
Publish regulations regarding the sale of cannabis, including licensing criteria and other rules for private retailers.
Details regarding Alberta’s approach to cannabis legalization can be found on the Government of Alberta's website.
For more information regarding the legalization and regulation of cannabis in Canada, please visit