Associations and Partnerships
AGLC works closely with a number of groups to ensure we continue to offer choices Albertans can trust.
Individuals or businesses that self-organize into associations or groups also sometimes assign individuals to speak on their behalf. To ensure clarity around whom an association represents, and similar to the Government of Alberta’s Lobbyist Registry, AGLC may require basic information from the outset, such as:
- The name of the association
- Any incorporation documentation
- Minutes from the most recent annual general meeting
- A list of members, to be updated on a yearly basis
Associations, groups or individuals communicating with AGLC should also familiarize themselves with legislative requirements regarding lobbying. More information about lobbying government and prescribed provincial entities can be found through the Office of the Ethics Commissioner of Alberta.
Some groups AGLC currently works with include:
Alberta Charitable Casino Operators
Alberta Craft Distillers Association
Alberta Hotel and Lodging Association
Alberta Liquor Store Association
Alberta Small Brewers Association
Alberta Sports Coalition
Beer Canada
Bingo Alberta
Canadian Craft Brewers Association
Canadian Gaming Association
Horse Racing Alberta
Import Vintners and Spirits Association
Restaurants Canada
Spirits Canada
Wine Growers Canada
In addition, AGLC partners with a number of groups to offer programming, services or information to Albertans. These include:
Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police
Alberta Beer Container Corporation
Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation
Alberta Cannabis Education Provincial Partnership Committee
Alberta Crime Stoppers
Alberta Fire Chiefs Association
Alberta Gambling Research Institute
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Post-Secondary Health Association
Alberta Safer Bars Council
Alberta Student Executive Council
Alberta Vital Statistics
Association of Liquor Licensing Authorities of Canada
Beverage Container Management Board
British Columbia Lottery Corporation
Canadian Association of Gaming Regulatory Authorities
Canadian Association of Liquor Jurisdictions
Canadian Cannabis Jurisdictional Leadership – Social Responsibility Sub-Committee
Canadian Partnership of Responsible Gambling (The Partnership)
Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation
Coalition for Action on High-Risk Drinking
Correctional Services of Canada
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Cross-Ministerial Committee
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Networks
Gaming Security Professionals of Canada
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Interprovincial Investigations Council
Interprovincial Lottery Corporation
Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative
NeoPollard Interactive
Pan-Canadian Community of Practice (Cannabis Education) hosted by the YMCA
Problem Gambling Resources Network
Responsible Gambling Council
Service Alberta
Western Canada Lottery Corporation
Youth Cannabis Awareness Program hosted by the YMCA