Liquor licensee social responsibility material

The creative materials below are a part of a multifaceted approach to support patron’s informed choices when consuming alcohol and help you take an active role in creating a safe and social drinking culture. Details on what information must be displayed are provided below.

Responsible use

Laws and regulations

For liquor service staff

For retailers

Asking for someone’s ID can make them happy or upset—and sometimes, it’s hard to tell if a patron is 18 years or older. To make sure your patron is of legal age, you must ask for an ID to verify the age of anyone who appears under the age of 25.

The ID-Under-25 poster can be displayed in your store to help clarify the under-25 ID policy. The poster is not mandatory.

There are two options available for you to choose from.


Poster delivery and ordering

We’ve updated our process!

ID-Under-25 posters will be provided to new licensees in their welcome package and any existing licensees who need a new poster will receive one from their Inspector upon the next visit, or can request one from their Inspector.