Has your liquor or cannabis licence expired or is it expiring soon?

Licensees can contact AGLC’s Customer Care Centre for support with liquor and cannabis reissues and payments on our online licensing portal. Call 1-800-272-8876 and press 2 to get set up.

Class D

A Class D liquor licence is for the sale of liquor that people will consume in another location. e.g., purchased from a liquor store or hotel off-premises.

Steps in this section
  1. Licence overview
  1. Licence overview

    Retail liquor store

    A facility that sells liquor to the public or other liquor licensees.

    General merchandise liquor store

    A facility that sells liquor to the public or other liquor licensees and may also sell non-liquor-related items.

    Manufacturing off-sales

    A facility that makes and sells alcohol to the public or to special event liquor licensees; the liquor is not consumed on-site.

    Hotel off-sales

    An area within a hotel that sells liquor to the public or to other liquor licensees for off-site consumption;  the hotel must have a Class A licence.

    Delivery service

    To deliver liquor from a retail liquor store to another location for consumption.

    Commercial caterer

    To provide liquor service at a private or public event.

    To learn more:

    Apply online:

    Online Licensing Portal

    For more information, visit Online Licensing.

    Price Changes

    To request access to liquor agency price changes that AGLC publishes, complete the Internet Account Request Form.

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