Pull Ticket Licence Application

Form ID: 5429
Last updated: October 24, 2023
PDF | 398.31KB | 6 pages

Document details

A group must complete this application at least four weeks before the first sales event.

How to submit

Email: gaming.licensing@aglc.ca 

* Note - To utilize the Submit button on the form you must either download the form to your computer after it opens in Chrome or change your Chrome settings to open PDF's in Adobe Acrobat by following the instructions below. 

Click the three dots in the top right corner > Click settings > Click Privacy and security > Click Site Settings > Scroll down and click additional content settings > Click PDF documents > Select Download PDF's. 


c/o Bingo/Pull Ticket Licensing
50 Corriveau Ave
St. Albert, AB  T8N 3T5

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