iNaturally Organic Inc. - Type 1 recall – August 12, 2024

CANNABIS PRODUCT RECALL: iNaturally Organic Inc. recalled Emprise CBN+CBD 50mg Softgels due to the product label having incorrect cannabinoid values – lot numbers 357055720, 357055721, 357065721, 357045720 & 357045721. Visit our Recalls page for more information.

News Release

Reducing red tape means more opportunity for charitable groups

Updated policy supports the needs of Alberta’s charitable groups


Charitable groups in Alberta that conduct licensed charitable gaming events (casino, raffle, bingo, and pull ticket) now have increased flexibility to put charitable gaming proceeds to work.

“AGLC has achieved a milestone 38 per cent reduction in red tape. I’m very proud of this achievement and we are committed to continue our efforts to create a modern regulatory environment that balances oversight and social responsibility while supporting our stakeholders to do what they do best.”

-    Kandice Machado, Chief Executive Officer, AGLC

“Alberta’s government continues to focus on cutting red tape that will make a tangible difference for Albertans and Alberta businesses. Adding flexibility for charitable groups is another clear signal that we are committed to making sure Alberta has an open and modern regulatory system that works for everyone. Alberta charities play a critical role in our province and we are focused on ensuring it’s as easy as possible for them to do what they do best, support Albertans.” 

-    Tanya Fir, Associate Minister of Red Tape Reduction

In two years, AGLC has reduced over 9,100 pieces of red tape. It’s estimated that these efforts have helped stakeholders save over $8.5 million by reducing administrative barriers.

Red tape reduction efforts include new amendments to modernize Alberta’s charitable gaming policies and empower charitable groups with even more ways to positively impact the lives of Albertans.

Charitable groups are now able to use a larger portion, up to 20 per cent, of their gaming revenue for administrative costs. Additionally, all groups can now use gaming proceeds for 100 per cent of eligible facility expenses. The amendments also clarify eligible expenses for groups that host workshops, clinics and seminars related to charitable program and service delivery.

Policy changes reduce financial reporting and administrative requirements allowing charities greater flexibility to put resources back into their communities across the province.

AGLC has also increased the amount of charitable gaming proceeds groups may request to retain from $75,000 to $100,000 and extended the length of time they have to use gaming proceeds from two to three years, promoting more long-term planning and stability for charitable groups.

AGLC remains committed to simplifying charitable program delivery and seeking efficiencies that maintain and maximize charitable gaming proceeds in support of the valuable programs and services offered by eligible charities to Albertans. 

AGLC will continue working together to create a balanced environment for all charitable groups to thrive in Alberta while considering ongoing improvements.

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Policy Bulletin

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