Policy Amendment – CGPH Review

Charitable Gaming Bulletin

May 2, 2022

This bulletin is to advise all charitable organizations of IMPORTANT AMENDMENTS to the Charitable Gaming Policies Handbook (CGPH). The following CGPH policies are effective May 2, 2022.

  • In keeping with Government of Alberta red tape reduction initiatives, the following policy changes provide charities with increased flexibility and efficiency in conducting charitable gaming events in Alberta:
    • Greater flexibility for the use of gaming proceeds:
      • Increased the percentage of gaming proceeds that can be spent on administrative expenses from 10 to 20 per cent.
      • Expanded the types and categories of eligible administrative expenses.
      • Removed the 50 per cent restriction on facility expenses for groups that were previously restricted.
      • Accommodated art groups to use gaming proceeds for travel to events outside Alberta without the requirement for the event to have an adjudicated/judged element.
      • Removed the requirement for Statutory Declaration form for donations.
      • Increased the timeframe for charities to spend gaming proceeds from 24 to 36 months.
      • Increased the amount of gaming proceeds charities can request to retain from $75,000 to $100,000.
    • Reduced financial reporting requirements:
      • AGLC approval no longer required to retain gaming proceeds of $10,000 and less.
      • Removed requirement for a consolidated gaming account for charities that conduct multiple types of gaming events. A charity may now use one of its existing gaming accounts (such as a casino account) for all net gaming proceeds and expenditures.
    • Policy modernization:
      • Amended the requirement for casino applicants to prove a record of active program delivery for the previous 24 months. All applicants must now prove a record of active program delivery for the previous 12 months.
      • Added new subsections to clarify the use of proceeds for specific charitable purposes (e.g., Awards, Children and Youth, Ethno-Cultural, Hosting Conferences, and Travel).

Corresponding changes to other gaming policy handbooks are required to align with these changes to the CGPH, including the Commercial Bingo Handbook, Casino Terms & Conditions and Operating Guidelines, Raffle Terms & Conditions, and the Bingo Licensee Terms & Conditions – Licensed Bingo Facility (Charities).

Please familiarize yourself with the amended policies, update your CGPH as required, and ensure all affected staff are notified of the new requirement(s).

The amended CGPH may be accessed on AGLC’s website at aglc.ca. Additional information regarding AGLC’s commitment to a modern regulatory environment that supports consumer choice, innovation and economic growth can be found on AGLC’s website at aglc.ca/modernization.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact gaming.licensing@aglc.ca or call (780) 651-7600 or 1-855-506-1066.