Revenue generated from your support of local companies benefits not just the local business but all Albertans, creating a more vibrant Alberta.
Every time you purchase a made-in-Alberta product or service, you are helping to build our local economy, support jobs and generate revenue that contributes to local charities, communities and government-funded programs and services. #GoLocal
Here’s to you, Alberta, for supporting our local gaming, liquor and cannabis industries that in turn help local community groups, support essential services and make our province more vibrant.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is liquor markup and where does the markup go?
All liquor in Alberta is sold through AGLC. AGLC adds a markup to the liquor, which it collects on behalf of the Alberta government. The markup goes to the General Revenue Fund to support programs and initiatives that benefit all Albertans.
Liquor markup is applied as a flat rate per litre depending on the product type and alcohol content. Markup rates are established in policy.
Where do AGLC gaming proceeds go?
Proceeds from gaming are invested back to our communities. Proceeds from paper bingo, casino table games, raffles and pull tickets all help charitable organizations deliver their services. You can learn more here.
What is AGLC’s role in legalization?
AGLC is responsible for regulating private retail cannabis licensing and the distribution of cannabis.
AGLC is committed to:
- keeping cannabis out of the hands of children and youth
- protecting public health
- promoting safety on roads, in workplaces and in public spaces
- limiting the illegal cannabis market
- continuing to offer Choices Albertans can trust