U.S. Tariff Response

Suspension of US made liquor

As directed by the government of Alberta, AGLC will no longer accept liquor products from the United States and will remove those products from sale with AGLC’s central warehouse, Connect Logistics Services (CLS), effective March 6, 2025, at 12:01 a.m.

All products with the United States as the country of origin when registering liquor product with AGLC and declared to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will be included in the ban.

Liquor agencies will no longer be allowed to enter Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs) with CLS for U.S. liquor products and existing ASNs with U.S. liquor products will not be accepted by the warehouse.

U.S. liquor products will be shown as “out of stock” and will be unavailable for licensees to order.

Retailers may continue selling their remaining stock of U.S. liquor. AGLC will not accept these products back from retailers.

Labelling on shelves to indicate Canadian product is encouraged in liquor stores but is not mandatory.

We are considering options for liquor agencies with impacted products in the warehouse and will share updates as they are available.

In accordance with the Canada Border Services Agency’s United States Surtax Order, Customs Notice 25-10: United States Surtax Order (2025-1) products which were shipped from the U.S. after March 4, 2025, will be subject to a surtax in the amount of 25 per cent of the invoice price upon importation.

If you have any questions please contact AGLC at liquorservices@aglc.ca.