iNaturally Organic Inc. - Type 1 recall – June 5, 2024

CANNABIS PRODUCT RECALL: iNaturally Organic Inc. recalled Emprise CBN+CBD 50mg Softgels due to the product label having incorrect cannabinoid values – lot numbers 357055720, 357055721 & 357065721. Visit our Recalls page for more information.

Charitable gaming review Q & A

Questions and answers

What is the charitable gaming model and how does it benefit Albertans?
Alberta has a unique charitable gaming model. Charitable and religious organizations conduct and manage licensed charitable gaming events, including casinos, bingos, raffles and pull tickets.

Proceeds earned through charitable gaming events support important community programs and services across the province. Charitable organizations obtained over 19,700 gaming event licences last year.

In 2019-20, charitable organizations earned $321 million through licensed charitable gaming activities.

What is the Charitable Gaming Review (CGR)?
Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis (AGLC) is conducting a review of charitable gaming in Alberta. The review will gather input from stakeholders, which will help inform decisions about how the model may be updated and strengthened to ensure Albertans continue to benefit from proceeds generated through the conduct of charitable gaming events.

What work has occurred to date and what work is yet to be completed for the CGR?
In early 2019, AGLC sent an online survey to more than 6,700 licensed charitable organizations to request feedback about charitable gaming in Alberta. Over 3,800 organizations responded – a 57 per cent response rate. You can visit for a summary of the survey results.

To advance this work and obtain more specific information, AGLC will hold focus groups with volunteer organizations, casino operators, casino advisors and municipal government associations between February and July 2021.

What main issues have charitable organizations identified that are in scope for the CGR?
The main issues identified in the 2019 survey were:

  • Wait times and distribution of proceeds from charitable casino events
  • Use of proceeds earned through the conduct of licensed charitable gaming events – casino, raffle, bingo and pull ticket
  • Volunteer requirements (charitable casino events)
  • Eligibility of charitable organizations for gaming licensing

How can licensed charitable organizations and Albertans participate in the CGR or find out more information?
Please visit for the most up-to-date information on charitable gaming in Alberta.