News Release

Smirnoff Ice Coolers pulled from retail shelves

Some lot codes of several varieties of Smirnoff Ice Coolers are being removed from retail shelves because some bottles have been found to contain glass particles.

The recall from sale is a precautionary measure because the product does not currently comply with federal food regulations.

To date, AGLC has not received any complaints about this product. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has issued a nation-wide recall for Smirnoff Ice Coolers containing glass particles.

For more information about this recall, please refer to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Recall Notice.

Note to liquor licensees:

If you carry any Smirnoff Ice Coolers, please review this recall notice and follow the instructions outlined in the notice to pull the affected lot numbers from sale in a timely manner.

If you have any questions about this recall, contact Tamara Tchir, Quality Control Clerk, at 780-447-8894 or