Liquor Bulletin
March 2018.LIQ.2
The Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis (AGLC) recently concluded a review of the liquor tasting policy, which included an evaluation of existing policy as well as consultations with industry associations.
As a result of this review, a number of changes were made to the tasting policy. Specific areas where amendments were made or new policies introduced include:
Definition of a liquor tasting;
Tasting servers required to have ProServe certification;
Changes to maximum tasting sizes;
Agencies permitted to bring unfinished product to a tasting with prior approval of the licensee;
Required information needed when conducting a tasting;
Increase in maximum staffing costs from $20 to $25 per hour;
Allow licensees to charge customers for cost recovery on items such as the liquor product, complementary food items and staffing costs; and
Clarification of what the licenseeās cost of a product entails.
The revised liquor tasting policy, which is effective immediately, may be found under:
Section 7.5 of the Retail Liquor Store Handbook
Section 7.5 of the General Merchandise Liquor Store Handbook
Section 8.5 of the Licensee Handbook
Section 5.5 of the Liquor Agency Handbook.
These handbooks may be accessed on the AGLC website. If you have any questions regarding the amendment to policy, please contact the AGLC Compliance Branch.