Policy update

Product Promotion - Liquor Tastings

Liquor Bulletin 
March 2018.LIQ.2

The Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis (AGLC) recently concluded a review of the liquor tasting policy, which included an evaluation of existing policy as well as consultations with industry associations.

As a result of this review, a number of changes were made to the tasting policy. Specific areas where amendments were made or new policies introduced include:

  • Definition of a liquor tasting;

  • Tasting servers required to have ProServe certification;

  • Changes to maximum tasting sizes;

  • Agencies permitted to bring unfinished product to a tasting with prior approval of the licensee;

  • Required information needed when conducting a tasting;

  • Increase in maximum staffing costs from $20 to $25 per hour;

  • Allow licensees to charge customers for cost recovery on items such as the liquor product, complementary food items and staffing costs; and

  • Clarification of what the licenseeā€™s cost of a product entails.


The revised liquor tasting policy, which is effective immediately, may be found under:


These handbooks may be accessed on the AGLC website.  If you have any questions regarding the amendment to policy, please contact the AGLC Compliance Branch.