Product Recall

Canopy Growth Corp. voluntary product recall – March 5, 2019


Consumers who purchased Canopy Growth’s LBS Sunset (indica) whole flower cannabis (Lot number SUN8213TSB, SKU number CNB006003620), packaged on 2019-JA-10, can return the product to the retail location where it was purchased. No other Canopy Growth products are impacted. For more information, please call Alberta Cannabis at 1-855-436-5677.

Please note that this is not a recall due to product quality, but a voluntary recall due to a labelling error.

Summary of Label Error

  Label With Error Correct Value
 CBD Total  <0.07%  0.08%
 THC  <0.07%  0.40%
 CBD  0.40%  <0.07%


Retailers who purchased Canopy Growth’s LBS Sunset (indica) whole flower cannabis with lot number SUN8213TSB:

Retailers who have purchased the affected products (Lot number SUN8213TSB, SKU number CNB006003620), packaged on 2019-JA-10, should remove the recalled products from store shelves and clearly mark the products as ‘Do Not Sell – Recalled Product’. You should set it aside in a safe area of your storage space until AGLC is able to issue you a return shipping authorization or provide you with further instructions for handling it.

Product Details Lot/SKU Number

Canopy Growth Corp.

LBS Sunset (indica)
Whole Flower cannabis (3.5g)
