Charitable Gaming Bulletin December 2018.CG.2

Charitable Gaming Bulletin 
December 2018.CG.2

This bulletin is to advise charitable groups of IMPORTANT AMENDMENTS to the Charitable Gaming Policies Handbook (CGPH).

The following CGPH policies are effective December 1, 2018:

Section 3.2 Aid of the Distressed – Eligibility

  • Standard 2 has been amended to include residential accommodations and providing the necessities of life to victims of disasters or sudden catastrophes as eligible charitable programs.

Section 5.27 Aid of the Distressed – Use of Proceeds

  • This new policy section addresses eligible/ineligible uses of gaming proceeds for groups providing programs that bring aid to the distressed.

Please familiarize yourself with the amended policies and ensure all those affected by the new policies are notified of the requirements.

The amended CGPH may be accessed on the AGLC website at

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact AGLC’s Regulatory Services Division at 1‐855‐506‐1066 or email

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