Special Event Licence – Public Resale

Liquor Bulletin 
March 2019.LIQ.2

Effective March 11, 2019 important amendments that simplify and modernize Special Event Licence (SEL) – Public Resale Policies and Guidelines will come into effect. Amendments include:

  • Combining the SEL Public Resale – Commercial and Community Polices and Guidelines into one document.
  • Simplifying food requirements.
  • Simplifying security requirements.
  • Requiring the licensee and designate, and a minimum of one bartender/server per every 100 patrons, to have ProServe certification for all SEL Public Resale events.
  • No ProServe fee exemptions for SEL Public Resale events.

We encourage interested applicants for SEL – Public Resale events to read the relevant policy for full licensing requirements. The amended SEL and ProServe policies may be accessed on the AGLC website at aglc.ca.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the SEL policy, please contact AGLC‘s Regulatory Division at: sel@aglc.ca or toll‐free 1‐800‐272‐8876, extension 8846.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ProServe policy, please contact AGLC‘s SMART Programs at: info@smartprograms.aglc.ca or toll-free

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