iNaturally Organic Inc. - Type 1 recall – June 5, 2024

CANNABIS PRODUCT RECALL: iNaturally Organic Inc. recalled Emprise CBN+CBD 50mg Softgels due to the product label having incorrect cannabinoid values – lot numbers 357055720, 357055721 & 357065721. Visit our Recalls page for more information.

News Release

52 reasons to celebrate the best of Calgary’s nightlife

Fifty-two Calgary bars, clubs, pubs, lounges and casinos received 2015 Best Bar None accreditation for their commitment to high service and safety standards.

“This year we saw a large jump in accredited city venues due to growing industry-wide support to create environments of responsible and safe alcohol consumption,” said Bill Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer, AGLC.

“AGLC’s continued partnership with industry and partners are making a positive difference to help Calgary’s nightspots be both safer and fun.”

The number of Best Bar None accredited venues in Calgary went up from 33 to 52 this year.

Accreditation criteria cover a wide range of issues that well-managed premises should be aware of and address. As part of the accreditation process, all premises are assessed to ensure they meet the specific standards related to safe operations and responsible management.

“These awards are proof that by paying attention to the safety and wellbeing of employees and patrons, you can substantially improve productivity and performance while decreasing problems that are indicative to the alcohol service industry."
- Marc Halat, Manager of Compliance Services with The City of Calgary 

“Partnerships with the entertainment industry like Best Bar None are vital in helping us manage community concerns,” said Calgary Police Service Superintendent Kevan Stuart.

“We cannot address these issues alone and I commend the work being done by our partners to create a safe environment that all Calgarians can enjoy.”

In addition to accreditation, the venues that go above and beyond to ensure a safer and more entertaining night out for their patrons will receive awards at a formal ceremony on June 15 in Calgary.

Best Bar None is an accreditation and awards program for liquor-licensed venues that aims to reduce alcohol-related problems by:

  • encouraging nightspots to adopt best practices related to customer safety and responsible levels of alcohol
  • giving nightspots the tools to be better prepared for any violent incidents; and
  • building positive relationships between the industry, enforcement, agencies, government and community.

Calgarians can determine if a venue is Best Bar None accredited by a plaque and door signage on display within the premises informing patrons and area residents of their participation in the program.

Best Bar None is a partnership between the Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis, the City of Calgary and Calgary Police Service with support from the Alberta Safer Bars Council.